Taste and See Vacation Bible Curriculum

A brand new Vacation Bible School curriculum using Scripture to explore the Christian concept of God nourishing and feeding us both literally and spiritually. 

Taste and See Vacation Bible Curriculum

A brand new Vacation Bible School curriculum using Scripture to explore the Christian concept of God nourishing and feeding us both literally and spiritually. 

This Little Light Ministries offers inclusive, progressive Vacation Bible School curriculum and liturgy.

Our work is also beautifully designed and illustrated, fully scripted for easy use, and full of creative, sustainable, social-justice oriented suggestions and ideas. We want your church to have meaningful, engaging Vacation Bible School and worship experiences so that disciples of all ages encounter the deep joy of Christianity. Read more

Taste and See Vacation Bible Curriculum

 O taste and see that the Lord is good!
Psalm 34:8

.Taste and See! is a Vacation Bible School curriculum that examines Scripture passages that feature food. As sous chefs for the week who cook and bake, children will engage in daily activities, games, crafts, and play-based learning to familiarize themselves with Bible stories and the Christian concept of God nourishing and feeding us both literally and spiritually. Traditional learning styles are combined with play in STREAM activities (Science, Technology, wRiting, Engineering, Art, and Math), mission projects, and movement.

This curriculum is divided into two age groups:Salt Chefs (ages Pre-K to 2nd grade) and Pepper Chefs (3rd grade-5th grade). However, you are encouraged to form groups as you see fit, and can even create mixed age groups of both as long as both groups are provided age-appropriate activities during each lesson.

Purchasing this curriculum includes:

  • Fully scripted outline for a 5-day, 3-hour program, including activities, graphics, discussion questions, and snack suggestions.
  • Fully scripted daily skits.
  • 1 original song, provided as an MP3 downloadable file.
  • Access to the coordinating Pinterest Board with visual examples of all decor, projects, games, and snacks .

Additional VBS Curricula

Video thumbnail for All Aboard! Curriculum.

All Aboard! Joining in God's Journey

Explore our fun VBS curriculum in which God calls individuals to jump on board the train and join in a lifelong journey of faith.
View Curriculum

Vacation Bible School Curriculum. Watch your children become a sleuth for Jesus!

Grab your magnifier and start sleuthing!

Explore our new creative and fun VBS curriculum that focuses on God’s love for us and the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives.
View Curriculum



This liturgy can be used in any Easter or Eastertide worship service.

What’s Included
Call to Worship, Easter Prayer, Call to Offering and Prayer of Dedication, Hymn Suggestions, Prayers of the People with a Modern Translation of the Lord’s Prayer, Benediction.

Terms of Use
This liturgy is for church or individual use only. You may use it in church bulletins and in worship visual slides. You MAY NOT resell or redistribute this liturgy, or share it with other businesses, churches, or organizations without permission. Thank you!

Christmas Liturgy prepared

This liturgy can be used in any Christmas worship service.

What’s Included
Call to Worship, Hymn Suggestions, Scripture readings, Call for Offering, Prayer of Dedication, Sharing of the Light ritual.

Terms of Use
This liturgy is for church or individual use only. You may use it in church bulletins and in worship visual slides. You MAY NOT resell or redistribute this liturgy, or share it with other businesses, churches, or organizations without permission. Thank you!


Let Your Light Shine!

This Little Light Ministries is a labor of love by Rev. Dr. Jennifer Strickland. Pastor Jen holds a BA from Miami University, an MFA/MA in Creative Writing and Literature from Chapman University, an M.Div from Princeton Seminary, and a DMin from Duke University. She has dual-standing in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the United Church of Christ denominations. Pastor Jen has served churches in Kansas, Nebraska, and California, where she currently lives with her husband (and co-pastor), their 3 dogs, 2 pigs, and daughter. She’s passionate about creation care, animal welfare, and preaching about God’s expansive compassion and love for all living creatures.